Friends of Fenton

We created this space to recognize and thank the many people and organizations that have gone above and beyond to help Fenton and our family.
Thank You!

Maple Leaf Foundation
This is where it all began for us. Upon learning of Fenton’s diagnosis and what would be required in terms of treatment over the months ahead, we were under an immense amount of stress trying to figure out the logistics of what lay ahead while still trying to process the diagnosis. We were staying in a local hotel paid for by a group of friends, and looking for more long term options. The options were not good and most places had a waiting list of 30-40 families. We were lucky. Our social worker at Seattle Children’s informed us about Maple Leaf and that a new house was coming available. The rest as they say, is history. The Maple Leaf Foundation was started during the pandemic by a Seattle Native who wanted to do more. They set out to secure houses, close to the hospital, that they could provide to families of children receiving treatment for cancer and heart-related illnesses at dramatically reduced costs. And that is what they’ve done. They currently have four, fully furnished, safe and welcoming homes that they are renting to families like ours. Our families pay a small monthly fee for rent and they and their partners and donors do the rest. They cover everything. It’s an unbelievable resource and one that we must continue to support and help grow. Please check them out at the links below and support them if you can.

Alex Roberts Yoga
Alex Roberts is a long distance runner, accomplished yoga instructor, and world class human being. In addition,. he is a great family friend and someone who has been putting on one heck of a campaign to raise awareness and funding to support Fenton’s fight. On Monday, December 5th, Alex ran 40 miles (forty4fenton) from San Clemente to Long Beach, CA. In one day! On December 10th and 11th, he and his partner organization, Purple Yoga, held two donation-based yoga workshops in Long Beach, CA to benefit Fenton and the fight against pediatric cancer. Alex’s efforts have garnered a considerable amount of support from near and far and will go a long ways to help support Fenton and the rest of our team over the course of this journey. Thank you again, Alex. You are an amazing human being!

Showdigs is a local software-based real estate and property management company that helps connect people and real estate in a new and creative way. They are also a caring and giving group of people who help sponsor Maple Leaf homes for families in need, and are responsible in large part for providing the house we are currently in. Not only did they sponsor our home financially, they also helped prepare the home for our arrival by cleaning, painting, staging with furniture, and decorating the space to make it feel like home. They did an amazing job and we wanted to thank them by recognizing them here and thanking them for all they do. Thank you Showdigs! Please check out their website to learn more about Showdigs and who they are

The Light Collective
The Light Collective is a local organization with a mission “to create a hope-oriented community where families who have a child with cancer can build resilience and share delight.” They do this by providing support in the form of free, themed interactive experiences for impacted children (siblings included), free family meals, opportunities for interactive (online) play, and a community of supportive caregivers and parents to help families like our through the good times and bad. They have been a big help to our family and the kids have thoroughly enjoyed their Family Fun Boxes over the past two months. Please check them out and support them if you can.

Footprints of Fight
Footprints of Fight is “dedicated to providing services to the family and patient of pediatric cancer in Washington while going through the treatment process” to reduce the stress of everyday life. They have provided our family with funds for groceries, gas and house cleaning services for the duration of Fenton’s treatment. We are so appreciative! Please check them out and support them if you can.

Bainbridge Dance Center
Bainbridge Dance Center is Linnea’s home away from home. She has danced at the Center for years now, and enjoyed numerous disciplines to include, ballet, modern, and contemporary. Upon learning of Fenton’s diagnosis and the situation faced by our family, the Center reached out and awarded Linnea a scholarship for the upcoming registration cycle. They wanted to ensure that Linnea can continue dancing and maintain a sense of normalcy during such a difficult time. Thank you Bainbridge Dance Center, for all you do. We look forward to seeing the next big performance.

The Goodtimes Project
"When cancer becomes your world, The Goodtimes Project creates caring spaces for local families to connect and kids to be kids, through camps, events, and programs." This is exactly what the Goodtimes Project did for our family. They provided a safe, fun polace for Linnea and I to spend some much needed quality time together and for Linnea to have the chance to forget about her brother's diagnosis and just be a kid again. Each and every person we met at the retreat, kid or parent or staff, welcomed us with open arms, shared amazing (and often heartbreaking) stories, offered support for our family, and helped my little girl feel special. We really appreciated the experience and look forward to Fenton having a chance to attend a retreat next Spring!